How to Write and Teach Satire: Subtle vs. Slapstick
Writing the Satire
Subtle or slapstick – satires tone fork. Subtle: “CEO says share – keeps billions.” Slapstick: “CEO trips into gold pile – oops, mine!” Pick your vibe – sly or loud. Subtle stings quiet; slapstick slams loud. Chaplins pratfalls vs. Austens quips. Start both: “Rains light – I swam home.” Practice blends or picks, sharp either way.
Teaching the Technique
Teach tone with a split test. Give “late fee” – subtle: “Fees a gift – thanks!” Slapstick: “Fee hit, I fell off Earth!” Show both – SNL vs. Onion. Steps: target, tone, twist. Assign “bad call” – spark subtle: “Great choice – gold star!” or slap: “Call so bad, Im in space!” Discuss fit: vibe wins. Warn off mix – pick rules. Tone-off: pitch both, best match wins. Tones a dial – teach them to tune it.